So May was the month of wedding for us. We were able to go home for 2 weddings, 2 weekends in a row. That was crazy flying month. Anyway, here is some pictures from our time in Oregon for the weddings....
Jamie and John's Wedding:

The group.... oh I miss them!

-We all had stamps that said "867-5309" for the bar we went to.... (Jenny Henry do you remember that song??? I thought of you!)

The Girls

So sadly enough I forgot my camera at the wedding so all I got was the night before. :-(
Elissa and Danny's Wedding (Nate's cousin)

It was beautiful at a vineyard outside Dallas, OR

Nate and Michael, his brother

The whole fam...

Our table at the reception

Nate and Michael dancing with Melia, their niece. Priceless.