Monday, July 13, 2009

Still Catching up.... WEDDINGS!!

So May was the month of wedding for us. We were able to go home for 2 weddings, 2 weekends in a row. That was crazy flying month. Anyway, here is some pictures from our time in Oregon for the weddings....
Jamie and John's Wedding:
The group.... oh I miss them!
-We all had stamps that said "867-5309" for the bar we went to.... (Jenny Henry do you remember that song??? I thought of you!)
The GirlsSo sadly enough I forgot my camera at the wedding so all I got was the night before. :-(

Elissa and Danny's Wedding (Nate's cousin)

It was beautiful at a vineyard outside Dallas, OR

Nate and Michael, his brother
The whole fam...
Our table at the reception

Nate and Michael dancing with Melia, their niece. Priceless.


  1. Well hello fellow blogging friend! :) I am so excited you have a blog now too!! I am going to add you to my list!

  2. I love how you just called me Jenny Henry...that is my love language sister. I love all the pictures! I wish we were going to see you :( when we are home.
